Course Description

How Big Name Coaches Get Thousands of Dollars for their VIP Days and Programs …   and how you can too

Look, I’m sure you’ve heard it before … high ticket offers are the fastest way to jumpstart a coaching business, inject it with cash and well, just create the business freedom you’ve been longing for.

And it doesn’t take a math whiz to figure out that it would take 25 people buying a $200 program to make $5000. Twenty-five! 

How many coffee dates and phone calls would it take to get 25 people to buy your $200 program?

... Or you could find just 1 person who will pay $5,000, and be done with it!

The High Ticket Conundrum

Did you throw up a little when you read that line? $5,000. 
Read it, take it in. And know that you are worth it. Every penny. 

I know you know that … but it still doesn’t ease the terror of having to ask another person to cough up that amount of money. 

And so you sit and devise plan after plan to gain credibility, or add more people to your list, or learn another skill, or get another certification …. And on and on and on … all in an attempt to get a prospect to see your value.

Because face it, no one wants to have to convince another human being of their worth. 

You want people know instantly how valuable you are, and more importantly, how capable you are of helping them. Because you know you can … if only they would give you a chance.

If only your ideal client would come to you ready to invest in working with you …. You'd have more time and energy to help them reach their goals, their potential ... 

… and more free time to recharge your batteries doing the things you love ...

... so you'd have even more time and energy to find creative ways to help them, or write a book or create a program, and so on. 

Isn’t that the why you got into coaching in the first place? To have Income and Impact.

"Sounds nice, but I can't afford it"

If you’ve felt the sting of “It sounds nice, but I can’t afford it” …. I have news for you: They can afford it. And you are worth it. 

There’s just one tiny little thing that you’re missing (and no, it’s not another certification)

The DOSP Factor

One tiny, but extremely significant thing … and that is the DOSP factor. Getting someone to invest in your services simply requires that you switch your focus from your solution - where all of us coaches live - to the Desired Outcome of a Specific Person (DOSP).

So look, what the big name coaches know that you don’t quite yet ... is that fame or charisma or big expensive productions don’t sell high ticket VIP Days and programs 

….. Matching your offer to the Desired Outcome of a Specific Person does!

And guess what? That’s something you can do just as well and as easily as any big name coach, quickly becoming a top earner yourself.

So How Do I Know This?

You see, this coaching business isn’t my first rodeo. But it has easily been my scariest. Because for the first time I wasn’t selling a product - I was selling myself! (Bone-chilling scream). 

One thing I learned my 20+ years as an entrepreneur with multiple 7-figure businesses under my belt is that the most successful products and services are always a response to a consumer’s desire(which is why companies spend so much on product research).

But somehow, when I got into coaching, I forgot that. And like most coaches I spoke to prospects endlessly about my solution …. ignoring the DOSP factor. The result? Literally hundreds of discovery calls and nothing but a hand full of high-paying clients. 

Eventually I started recovering from the terror of having to sell myself, and as I shifted my focus away from my solution an onto the DOSP factor, I started getting easy “yes’s” from high paying clients. 

The Effortless Offer

Bit by bit I started piecing together what I now call, The Effortless Offer System, and teaching it to my clients … and lo and behold their discovery calls started shifting from “I can’t afford it” to “When can we get started” and they started selling multi-thousand programs effortlessly. 

After over a year of refining The Effortless Offer,  I can now say the system is has been used to book well over $65k in sales between my clients and myself and is virtually bullet-proof.

The power and simplicity of giving someone what they want will blow your mind!

The Effortless Offer System

You see when you take your coaches hat off and start to look at things through your prospect’s eyes … that is when the magic happen. Because that is when you can start putting into place the words that they will ‘hear’ and create offers that they cannot resist. 

The Effortless Offer system is elegant in it’s simplicity. There’s really just 3 simple steps:

Step 1: UNCOVER your ideal client's desire by asking the people that you have already attracted - leads, your list, previous clients or prospects - what it is they really, really want and what is stopping them from getting it.

Step 2: CREATE a plan to help them overcome that obstacle and achieve their desired outcome.

Step 3: PACKAGE your plan into an offer and present.

Voila! An effortless high-ticket sale.

You will be astounded at how enthusiastically people respond when you focus on the DOSP factor and demonstrate that you deeply understand who they are, what they want and what they are struggling with. 

Think about it ... ultimately isn't that what we all want? To feel heard and understood?

And that, my friend, is what the big name coaches know (and you can learn), that has them commanding top dollar for their services. 

The Effortless Offer System will help you turn your experience, expertise and knowledge into an offer that is the perfect answer to your Client's desire.

And when one piece glides elegantly into the other ... you have a resounding and Effortless YES!

The Business Maestro

Barbera Aimes

Barbera's passion and talent for business and marketing and her love of helping change-makers realize their potential and go for their dreams has driven her to become one of the most sought after coaches in the online business world. She is referred to as the 'the Business Maestro" because of her uncanny ability to quickly and easily connect-the-dots in an entrepreneur's marketing and help them create a predictable, reliable and sustainable business model that supports their freedom lifestyle. She has helped countless finally make the impact and income the world needs them to make.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    00: START HERE

    • Overview of the Course

    • The Foolproof Formula for Getting High Paying Clients

    • Your Ideal Client

    • ••• Ideal Client (IdC) Brainstorm [EXERCISE]

    • Their Desired Outcome

    • ••• Desired Outcome [EXERCISE]

  • 2

    01: UNCOVER Your Ideal Client

    • Uncover Your Ideal Client

    • SURVEY Your List

    • Survey Results [WORKSHEET]

    • INTERVIEW Propsects

    • SWIPE: Interview Request (Email SWIPE Copy)

    • POLL Your List or Facebook Community

    • No List, No Prospects? No Problem .... FACEBOOK Survey


  • 3

    02: COMPILE the Data

    • Compile the Data

    • ••• Ideal Client Matrix [WORKSHEET - Google Docs version]

    • ••• Ideal Client Matix [WORKSHEET - PDF version]

    • ••• Ideal Client PLAYBOOK

  • 4

    03: CREATE Your Plan

    • STEP 1: Your Plan to Get Results

    • ••• Your Coaching Plan [WORKSHEET]

    • STEP 2: Narrow Your Focus

    • Essential Elements of an Irresistible Offer

  • 5

    04: PACKAGE Your Solution

    • Your Coaching Tools

    • ••• One-on-One Private Coaching Planner

  • 6

    05: PROMOTE Your Offer

    • Promoting Your Offer Overview

    • Create a "Story Email"

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.